Library | Pexels by Yan Krukau
Library | Pexels by Yan Krukau
Mark Northam discusses the "Impact of climate-motivated energy transition on fossil energy producing states: the Norway case"
| School of Energy Resources, Energy Innovation Center
| Address
| University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming
| Building and Room
| EIC Encana Auditorium Room 201
| City
| Laramie
| State
| Wyoming
| Country
| United States of America
| Event Type
| Seminar/Public Talk or Performance/Exhibition
| Event Speakers
| Mark Northam
| Is it open to the general public?
| Yes
| Audience
| Alumni, Community College, Faculty, Graduate Student, Public/Community, Staff, Undergraduate Student
| Online Event Registration
| No
| Sponsoring Department/Unit
| Director’s Office
| Is there a fee to attend?
| No
| Contact Name
| Christine Reed
| Contact Phone
| 307-766-6708
| Contact Email
| Contact Department
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