"Our out-of-control fiscal policies & record-high inflation have led to the highest cost of living in Wyoming in 40 yrs. We need to rein in reckless spending & get prices under control to help families who are bearing the brunt of these rising costs. cowboystatedaily.com/2022/04/19/inf"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Liz Cheney:
"The NEPA process has been weaponized for far too long delaying & adding costs to energy and infrastructure projects across the country.Last year I introduced the UNSHACKLE Act to empower local stakeholders and modernize these burdensome regulations cheney.house.gov/2021/06/11/che twitter.com/WSJopinion/sta"Read on Twitter
"Putins evil advance in Ukraine knows no bounds - destroying 119 hospitals, including a maternity ward. We must support their first responders & bolster life-saving care capabilities.I led my colleagues in urging @SecBlinken & @SecDef to support these humanitarian efforts." on April 22Read on Twitter
"I'm grateful to the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation for this tremendous honor. All Americans are obligated to defend our freedom. As elected officials, this is our highest and most profound duty.cheney.house.gov/2022/04/21/che twitter.com/JFKLibrary/sta" on April 21Read on Twitter