"Access to quality health care in our rural communities is essential. I'll continue to work with @WYHospitalAssoc to ensure they have the resources they need.I joined Eric Boley & WHA leaders from local hospitals to discuss ways to improve the lives of patients in Wyoming."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Liz Cheney:
"Our out-of-control fiscal policies & record-high inflation have led to the highest cost of living in Wyoming in 40 yrs. We need to rein in reckless spending & get prices under control to help families who are bearing the brunt of these rising costs. cowboystatedaily.com/2022/04/19/inf" on April 25Read on Twitter
"The NEPA process has been weaponized for far too long delaying & adding costs to energy and infrastructure projects across the country.Last year I introduced the UNSHACKLE Act to empower local stakeholders and modernize these burdensome regulations cheney.house.gov/2021/06/11/che twitter.com/WSJopinion/sta" on April 25Read on Twitter
"Putins evil advance in Ukraine knows no bounds - destroying 119 hospitals, including a maternity ward. We must support their first responders & bolster life-saving care capabilities.I led my colleagues in urging @SecBlinken & @SecDef to support these humanitarian efforts." on April 22Read on Twitter